Summer School on Transitional Justice and the Politics of Memory, Cres, Croatia, 24 June-4 July 2013


We are glad to inform you that we are in the process of organizing Summer School on Transitional Justice and the Politics of Memory which will take place on the island of Cres (Croatia) from 24th June to 04th July 2013.

There are still places available and we have extended the application deadline!

Applications should be submitted to:<> by April 15th, 2013, but space is limited.

Applicants will be notified about their acceptance in early May 2013.

The application should include:

- letter of motivation (1 page max.)

- brief description of current research project (1 page max.)

- short CV (no more than 3 pages)

- contact information (email, telephone and postal address)

- indication of interest in applying for grant to cover travel and/or accommodation costs.


For more information, see our website at:



